This morning I informed Jesse that once this box of Pop Tarts was gone I was not going to purchase any more. Dan wanted Pop Tarts on hand so he could grab a quick breakfast on his way out the door. But since I started buying them Jesse has insisted on having one every morning. He eats his breakfast in the car on the way to preschool so it is convenient and I get him the organic ones, but they are so full of sugar and I don't like him starting his day that way.
Anyway, in true 3 year old style, he decided to try to convince me. "Mama. I have an idea. How about instead... You just go buy more Pop Tarts at the store?" he suggested from the back seat in his sweet little voice.
I chuckled to myself since I expected him to put up a fight to try to save his beloved Pop Tarts.
"You are one crazy Pop Tart fiend, you know that don't you, Jesse?"
He paused for a few seconds to think about that one. Then he laughed and said, "Nooooo. I'm just a person, Mama!"
God, I love that kid.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago